Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Paint the White House Black

Song: Politics (Obama Is Here)
Artist: Ludacris
Vid Genre: Audio w/ very bad slide show
Description: This is the song that had news pundits all up in arms this past summer. And, wow, they felt it necessary to attack this? It's nowhere near Luda's most-offensive stuff. Also, it sort of sucks. Also-also, I'm getting excited for when Obama is president and I can, in the middle of a conversation, look to the horizon and ask myself out loud if America might some day be ready for a white president.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Stabby Tom

Song: Tom Dooley
Artist: The Kingston Trio
Vid Genre: Live
Description: I don't know why I like songs like this and poems like 'Porphyria's Lover,' but I worry these themes'll one day land me in the clink.